Sunday 13 January 2013

Il Bagno - What you see is not what you get

So I had a plumbing dilemma the other day, and went to the one place everyone I spoke to told me I would get the quality I was looking for, the imposing edifice on Lekki expressway that is home to Il Bagno, stockists of premium sanitary wares.

I must say, I was impressed when I arrived there; the well laid out parking, the interesting arrangement of the fluorescent lights at the reception, the quality of the products on the first floor. In fact it was so tush, you couldn't tell who was a customer and who was a client. "This is nice" I thought to myself, thinking I was in a place there I would be tended to by staff who were polite and competent. How wrong I was with the latter point.

So I was looking for two items; a shower head, and a bath anti-slip mat. Not to complicated you would think. Let's see how many errors you can spot in this sequence.

  1. I was shown two options, one was 11k and the other over 18k. I would have preferred the one for 11k simply because I was paying over 7k more ($45) just for a soap tray that was no bigger in circumference than an ashtray.
  2. I was told by the attendant that they only had the more expensive one in stock (convenient eh)
  3. I then told them I would like to see either the two options of mats they had in stock (blue and fuchsia they said).
  4. As I had to get something from the car, I asked that they create a user profile for me and get ready my invoice and the items, hoping to save some time as I was in a bit of a hurry.
  5. When I get back, the attendant asks me (after creating the account) if I still wanted the goods. I bit my tongue and said yes, noting that he had not prepared anything else as I requested.
  6. He then handed me an invoice with a shower head for just over 19k and I noticed that they had failed to inform me their prices were not VAT inclusive, so there was an extra charge on top of that!
  7. Ah an oga, this is not what we agreed on now?! Turns out the didn't have the one he told me they had, but another one which he informed me was the same in every why, only that the water hose was slightly longer.
  8. So I take a deep breath and pay, then we go down to collect the goods.
  9. So I get downstairs, and after a few minutes, I am asked to come and sign for the goods which were already in nylon bag.
  10. Another gentleman there thrusts a piece of paper in front of me and asks me to sign, and I in turn decided to be cheeky and asked if I could see the goods I was signing for first.
  11. Two items as requested where in the bag, only that the mat was a clear tint and not fuchsia as I requested. I point this out to the dispatcher, who looks at me blankly, offering no help.
  12. I decided that this actually worked better, and decided not to make a fuss and signed for the items and left.
  13. The next morning I gave the shower fixtures to a plumber to install only to discover that the shower head that had been sold to me only had one shower mode, when the one I had asked for had 3!
If seemingly well educated people in a relatively high brow establishment can get such a simple order so wrong I really worry for the service industry in Nigeria. 

How was your day?

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